Liberate North Korea


a.k.a. @LiberateLaura, Part II

Some Strange Signs

A couple of developments today point to the idea that moving forward, North Korea‘s capital city of Pyongyang may become even more of a more privileged, isolated stronghold. That would be the dedication of the brand new, foreign-funded Pyongyang University of Science and Technology (PUST), the latest achievement in the remarkable life of Korean-American success story James Kim; and the announcement by New York and Bangkok-based travel company Remote Lands that they are now offering $1,000-a-day luxury tours of the Hermit Kingdom.

The details of Remote Lands‘ approach seem even more surreal than the recent sight of Bill Clinton meeting with the much shorter Kim Jong-il. The company boasts that accommodations “are arranged in the best hotels available, with suites specially enhanced with European linens, feather pillows and duvets and other exceptional amenities. Fine food and wine will be brought in, and the best chefs will be on hand to create the most delicious Korean, Japanese, Chinese and Continental cuisine. North Korea is not for everyone, but for those adventurous few who have been almost everywhere else in the world, it is the last frontier and a real eye-opener to witness in person.”

The arrival of PUST is a bit more organic. Once classes begin in a few months, the goal is to eventually grow the student body to 600 undergraduates and cultivate the semblance of an industrial R & D complex on campus. And though it may be standard for an American college, the fact that PUST will offer Internet access to North Korea‘s future bright minds is, well, mind-boggling.

Meanwhile, the “150-Day Battle”, a motivational campaign designed to prod North Koreans in the rest of the country to up their super-human efforts to super-super-human, draws to a close tomorrow with the populace none too impressed, and barely able to muster the energy for another “100-Day Battle” beginning September 23rd. It all adds up to another big reason why Kim Jong-il may be acting crazier and more erratic than normal; he realizes that the days of being able to keep his 19th century citizens isolated from 21st progress are numbered.

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